Our impact
Sri Chinmoy Fundation
in the service of peace
The Sri Chinmoy Foundation offers the legacy of Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual teacher and peace ambassador whose philosophy has touched the hearts of millions around the world. His spiritual journey is about embracing life and transforming it with a dynamic heart that the world can and will change through positive human change. The Foundation's work is manifested in its broad support for this peaceful and dynamic personal development.
all day self-growing Festivals
all day for the soul
The popular Soul Day Festival has been running for almost 10 years now, usually offering over a thousand seekers from all over the world a full day of Sri Chinmoy's spirituality and modern yoga path through many aspects. This special programme, interspersed with performances, visual arts, music concerts and vegetarian delicacies, offers a taste of a small part of a heart-filled world.

Peace concerts
Melodies of the peaceful heart
Music is the universal language of the heart, which creates a special unity between the artist and the listener without language barriers. During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy gave over half a thousand free peace concerts around the world, a tradition that has continued ever since, performing his music. The soul-stirring melodies he composed lead listeners to the heart through a special meditative experience and provide music lovers with an unparalleled adventure. These special instrumental concerts typically bring an audience of half a thousand people on a journey through the melody of the heart.
meditation courses
meditation in practice
Meditation is our conscious growth into the infinite. When we meditate, we enter the empty, still and silent mind and let ourselves become the Infinite.Meditation is like diving to the bottom of the sea, where everything is still and calm. There may be waves crashing on the surface, but the depths of the sea are untouched. In the deepest depths of the sea, there is complete silence. We are trying to bring this state of being closer, step by step, to those who are interested.

lifestyle lectures
how to be happy
Our lives are full of experiences and challenges. Regardless of what we do or where we live, our problems are often very similar. In many cases we do not see the root of our problems clearly, nor the solutions. These engaging lifestyle lectures help us to understand and apply in a practical way spiritual teachings that are sometimes difficult to understand, through multiple perspectives and situations.
Sri Chinmoy inner school
modern Yoga Path in the heart of the west
The Sri Chinmoy Inner School is a tight-knit spiritual community that aims to bring together individuals who wish to live a deep spiritual life as an integral part of Western society. The members of the Inner School are intrinsically motivated by a determination that their spiritual development is of paramount importance and that this development has become an inevitable necessity for them, which they wish to pursue within the dynamics of the Western world. This school is a modern-day yoga school of Sri Chinmoy's dynamic spiritual yoga that offers one of the fastest methods on the path to self-realisation.

Peace runs
healthy body and soul
The Sri Chinmoy Peace Run is a global initiative to create a more peaceful world. Peace run runners carry a flaming torch and pass it from hand to hand as a symbol of peace. The motto of the Peace Run is: "Peace begins with me" - proclaiming that everyone can contribute in their own individual way to a better world. As part of this global programme, a series of events will provide opportunities to take a step for peace through movement.
art exhibitions
Jharna Kala exhibitions
Sri Chinmoy's paintings and artworks comprise a unique collection of works created in a highly meditative state of consciousness. These extraordinary abstract works have been exhibited in mausoleums and exhibitions in over twenty countries around the world, including prestigious venues such as the Louvre in Paris, the United Nations in New York and Harvard University. These works, which radiate positive energy, have become a favourite among art lovers and are on display in local temporary exhibitions.

donation programs
art for peace
The Sri Chinmoy Foundation runs an image donation programme for a number of public institutions, hospitals, schools and kindergartens. As part of the programme, a selected series of high quality reproductions of these works, which radiate a special positive energy that has travelled the world, will be compiled. Based on feedback from the deservedly popular institutions participating in the picture donation programme, the exhibition of the works will contribute to the creation of peaceful everyday life in the community and their environment.
Inner pilot program
Peace begins in everyday life
Mindfullness/Self-improvement is part of the research of many institutions and companies, and is used effectively to create a productive and peaceful daily life for the community. The Inner Pilot Program provides support for the practical application and promotion of this scientifically proven, effective programme. Whether it is the establishment of a routine that permeates everyday life, an occasional programme or an institution-wide programme.