A bronze statue of Sri Chinmoy is an inspiring work of art. The statue has recently been unraveled, as you can see the original red wax seal on a gold cord attached to the statue. The inspirational artwork is displayed on a wooden box that serves as its packaging in a luxury office in a Manhattan skyscraper.

Capture the moment

inspirational Fine art and more

The integration of inspirational art and philosophy that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Magnificent, timeless works of art inspire us to reach our full potential.

"Life is a constantly evolving and serving art. " - Sri Chinmoy

Discover Chinmoy's World

inspiring the world

Explore the inspiring legacy

Chinmoy's inspiring legacy is connected with global peace initiatives. More than 800 places on the planet have been selected to be named in Sri Chinmoy's honor and to display peace blossoms as a symbol. Peace is recognized at hundreds of well-known locations and outdoor sculptures.

A new inspirational statue is now available for you to bring home.

Discover our inspiring Legacy
A life-size bronze statue of Sri Chinmoy is on display in Prague. The sculpture is a very inspiring work of art as it reminds us of our quest for peace. This inspiring work is placed directly on the river bank facing the city. In the background you can see the riverbank and the centre of Prague.

INSPIRATION surrounds us

peace landmark in your home

our mission is your inspiration

Unleash your inner artist and soar beyond boundaries through an inspiring journey, where captivating aesthetics and deep motivation meet. Enter a creative and meaningful world where each creation adds to the gallery of life's transformations.

Explore our enticing collection to find inspiration where style and content converge. Discover enchanting works of art that lead to countless opportunities. As you make a connection with the uplifting energy they exude, embark on a journey of empowerment and self-discovery.

We'd like to take you on a journey to a place where art is more than just a visual treat. You are invited by Chinmoy collection to adorn your surroundings with timeless elegance. Each of our artworks encourages you to create your own story. Make your home a perfect place for inspiration and creativity where every glance at our collection fills you with happiness and peace. Let the artwork serve as a mirror of your inner beauty and a reminder of your unbounded potential.



The artist sketches the inspiring art sculpture

The art of statue making

Take a look behind the scenes of the world of art, where every etching and brushstroke is a creative dance. Sculpting is a one-of-a-kind tour that uncovers the secret world of talented artisans and the genesis of their stunning works. The art of sculpture is a labor of compassion that demands both time and passion, from the selection of materials to the meticulous sculpting. Join us on this interesting trip to learn about the creativity and workmanship that goes into our pieces of art.

Discover the artistic process

Its time a story of Inspiring art

behind the scenes - our story

In the fast-paced modern world, finding inner peace and purpose can often seem like a distant dream. But there are those who have dedicated their lives to finding inner growth and harmony in the world. The Chinmoy Collection is not just a brand, but the manifestation of a project that aims to inspire people to discover their own potential for inner transformation and thereby contribute to a better world. This is the story of how a team's determination led to the creation of a collection of products that represent much more than mere material goods. Get ready to be inspired by our story.

Discover our story